
Welcome to Jamez' Songs Blog. Au Yih Hat Xi!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to Save A Life - The Fray

  I chose this song because it's about people who had mental illness. In third grade, I once had a friend who faced a loss of someone in his family. Everyday he came to school with a down and sad face. He didn't talk much because he was so sad and no one could help him. I think that a person life is more precious than treasures full with golds and diamonds. We should be happy in every moment when our relatives are still living, they could pass away within seconds, when they're gone then it's too late to regret why didn't we spend more time with them. Don't ever dare to not care about people dying in this world because it can come to everyone in anytime, every moment, every second.

Click here for song lyrics.

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