
Welcome to Jamez' Songs Blog. Au Yih Hat Xi!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday - The Click Five

  I have missed a lot of my friends' birthdays, but the one I remembered most is when I was in second grade. My best friend, Bảo, invited me to his birthday on Saturday and I promised I will come. I was suppose to put the invitation letter on my homework desk so I won't forget about the party. But I thought that I'll remember it for sure to I kept it in my bag. It was Saturday evening, I suddenly remembered that today's my friends birthday. In the invitation letter it said, "Saturday morning - My house - Address:......... Hope you'll come". I had no idea why did I forgot that this Saturday was his birthday, I promised him already. I called him that evening and told him, I'm really sorry that I totally forgot about his birthday. I knew that it was kinda late, but I said happy birthday to him anyway.

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Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion

  This song is about my mother; who took care of me from when I was young till now. This song made me think about all of the good things my mother did to me. She's the one who held me up, never let me fall. She was the strength when I was weak, the voice when I couldn't speak. She lifted me up when I couldn't reach, she gave me wings and made me fly. She gave me all the hopes I can get, without her maybe there's no me today. I think that I'm lucky to have such a mother like her. How can I repay her for all of her kindness? Almost every words in the lyrics related to my mother because I think that there are various things she'd done for me.

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Where Is the Love - Black Eyed Peas

  When I was in first grade, I saw my friends fighting each other on the playground so badly that they were sent to the office to call and talk to their parents. They thought that fighting is the easiest way to make people listen to you or to solve a problem. I think that the words of mouth is more powerful because it can solve problems plus without violent actions that can cause terrible damages. If people can use the power of mouth then there will be no wars around here but only peace. Because we got only one world so we have to live on it smartly, not destroying it.

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Good Bye - Air Supply

  I had a lot of best friends since I was in IPS; we always hang out with each other after school and before school. We played together, studied together, and ate together. Whenever I needed help, they were always be there to help me. One day, my mom said that I'll gonna move to AIS. Then I knew 90% that we'll never see each other again. I don't know how I can find that much friends when I move to AIS. It was nearly summer, I knew that this is the right time to say good bye. When they knew that I'll move to a different school, they were sad too. I told them that there's no other way than to say, good bye.

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How to Save A Life - The Fray

  I chose this song because it's about people who had mental illness. In third grade, I once had a friend who faced a loss of someone in his family. Everyday he came to school with a down and sad face. He didn't talk much because he was so sad and no one could help him. I think that a person life is more precious than treasures full with golds and diamonds. We should be happy in every moment when our relatives are still living, they could pass away within seconds, when they're gone then it's too late to regret why didn't we spend more time with them. Don't ever dare to not care about people dying in this world because it can come to everyone in anytime, every moment, every second.

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My Love - Weslife

  Singapore is famous for the title of cleanest city in the world. I went to Singapore when I was seven and love it at first sight. There are no trash laying on the streets, tall buildings everywhere, traffics running on nice straight lines. When I was nine I went to Singapore and it was my second time, but I felt that it was my first time ever because it's so different from Vietnam because everything was just so beautiful. Now I could travel overseas from coast to coast, to find the place I love the most, where the fields are green, to see it once again, my love.

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I Don't Love You - My Chemical Romance

  I chose this song because it relates to my old computer. I spent a lot of time and played games, chat, and listen to music with my computer. One day, I accidentally click on a virus page and the computer turned into a virus machine. I can't do anything with it because when I turned it on, the virus windows appeared and automatically sent viruses to other people. The computer agents fixed the computer but the nest day, same things happened over again. I knew that I can no longer use this computer anymore and from that day, I don't love it, like I did yesterday. So, eventually I bought new one and it became my new best friend.

WARNING: Video contains one kissing part!!!

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What I've Done - Linkin Park

 When I was 8 years old, I broke my mother's dear phone. I borrowed her phone and played games. I don't remember why but I accidentally threw her phone to the wall and it broke into pieces. My mother was really mad; she made me clean up the mess and no games for two weeks long. In addition, she showed no ordinary mother's love when she saw me. I was really regret for the thing I did, then asked myself, "What I've done". In fact, after those weeks she became normal to me again.

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Empty - The Click Five

  There are a lot of times that I tried hard to do something, but the results was empty. When I was young, I thought that I can play tennis right away just within 2 weeks of learning, I tried but it was terrible. I tried to swim fast over a long distance over and over again, but I never could. Teachers assigned big projects at the end of each semester, I did everything I could to get high marks at first, but in the end something went missing. I think that we, as human beings, sometimes can never achieve something we wanted the most even though we tried our best.

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Angel On My Shoulder - Gareth Gates

   This song is about someone who protects you in any situation. My dad is my guardian angel because when I did something stupid, he always forgave me. When my tests' scores are bad, he never shout at me but encouraged me to study harder. He's my guiding light when I got stuck in darkness. When I got hurt or injured, he shielded me from pain, he's my shelter. I love my father and I wish that he'll always be a guardian angel sent for me.

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